Invaders not Welcome
Once upon a time there was an emperor that tried to bring most of Europe under French rule. He planned to make Fr ance great and pu t Britain out of business on the Continent. To that extent Napoleon instituted a commercial blocka de against Britain on the Continent, and got most of the European kingdoms to sign it . He had prob lems with two of them, thou gh. Port ugal and Russia complied, but not as well as Napoleon would have liked. In 180 7 General Junot invaded Portugal. He did it overland, because the S panish king, Carlos III, involved in a famil y di spute with his son and heir, Fer nando VII, allowed him to do so. Along the way the French took note of the Spanish defe nse. In 1808 the French formally invaded Spain. The Spanish royal family was taken to France, and Napoleon's brother, Joseph, was named King of Spain. Napoleon's troops invaded all of Spain and occupied the most important cities. Here in Galicia there was a battle in A Coruña betwe en the British an