Your Pound is not My Kilo
Kilos, pounds, grams, liters, gallons, feet, kilometers, miles, centimeters. It sounds like a primary math class. One of those confusing classes in which we had to figure out how many miles are 7,200 yards, or how many pints fit into a 5 gallon container. Though now, I suppose tender children also have to learn how many grams 5 ounces are. Most likely as a sop to those who push the metric system's implantation in the United States, which has stubbornly hung on to its version of the British Imperial system long after Britain itself joined the metric community of the world. That difference in systems created a confusion in my brain when I first moved here. Going with my mother down to Boston's Haymarket on Saturday mornings, she would look for the best offers in pounds. Four pounds of oranges for a dollar, five pounds in the good ol' days, three pounds in latter days of inflation. (Now I believe it's four oranges for a dollar, if the buyer is lucky!) Since I had to car