Strong Backs Needed
Yesterday, Palm Sunday, was the start of Holy Week. Many Spaniards are still religious and will attend Masses and processions this week. The cities in Galicia with the most visited services are Foz, Viveiro, and Ferrol, though almost every city and town has some kind of procession, at least on Good Friday. The most widely known throughout the world are the processions in the cities of Andalucía, especially Sevilla. Some of these are nocturnal, and truly fascinating. One wonders how no fire ever gets started, with all the candles. Most people who join the procession are there because they are practicing Catholics, but every year there are more foreign tourists who simply want to see something they're not used to. This year it seems the weather will be sunny and hot in most of Spain. I'm sure many are happy about that. In recent years rain has had processions cancelled, because most of the figures are historically important and their integrity cannot be risked. Whenever a proc