Uh, Oh, That's a Hoof
Tonight is the original Samhain, and tomorrow All Saints' Day. Being where we are, in Celtic Galicia, we're very serious about the ancient traditions. We remember our dead these days, just as we've done for millennia and appreciate the Church's moving its All Hallows feast to the appropriate date back in the eighth century. That said, now we celebrate our ancestors by taking flowers to the cemetery, instead of leaving doors open and a plate of food by the fire. But we still frighten off evil spirits that might commingle with the good ones by carving pumpkins and squashes and setting candles in them. Some years when I came on vacation, and talk got around to ghost stories, friends and I agreed to leave a tape recorder in the cemetery late one night to see if it would record any voices. We never did. We were too much in awe of the dead at night. It comes from too many centuries of folklore of the dead, such as the Santa Compaña in Galicia, which portends the death of