Shorts and Sweaters

This fall is so gradually introducing itself that many days it seems it's still late summer. Nights fall into the lower fifties, upper forties, and the halcyon days are in the upper sixties. (10ºC - 21ºC) It's not cold, and I'm only wearing a blouse or a t-shirt with my jeans. Sometimes I'll drape a sweater over my shoulders, but in the afternoons it becomes burdensome, though I never put it too far away. 

It seems most people aren't sure what to wear, either. I have seen people bundled up in winter boots, winter coats, and scarves on a balmy afternoon. Others I have seen wearing short-sleeved t-shirts and sandals in a still-fresh early morning. I've still seen shorts and tank tops out there, as well as an undecided young woman wearing a winter coat, mini-skirt, and bare legs yesterday morning. 

It's not strange that there are more colds going around. If you dress for the warmer temperatures during the day, and night finds you outside, you'll wish for the light jacket. If you dress for the season, you'll find yourself warmer than usual, start to shed layers and your body might cool too fast. 

When the weather doesn't act according to the calendar date, what is one to do? My husband has been wearing shorts to work until this past week. It's not that he's now cold, it's that he thinks people are staring at him for wearing shorts in late October. I tell him he shouldn't worry. In the winter I don't often wear a coat; temperatures in the upper forties or lower fifties don't seem to warrant one when I'm already wearing a turtleneck and a warm sweater. People who are bundled up for an excursion to the North Pole look at me like I'm a tropical insanity. When they do, I think to myself, "They haven't lived through a New England winter." In part, I have my heatless house to thank for that. It doesn't make much sense to put on a coat when it's just a few degrees colder outside. The coat is reserved for the chillier mornings and evenings. 

Still, it's the end of October, shouldn't it be a little colder?

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