In Normal Times, 1. Blinking Awake.

It's been six months since the last time I wrote. I've been tired, and haven't felt much like putting my thoughts into coherent words and sentences. I haven't been helped by the age of my computer (it's screaming out for change; it still uses Windows 7), nor by this platform of Blogger.

As I write, it underlines everything I've written in red, squiggly lines, reminding me to spell check because it's all wrong. Yet, I have my computer set to English, as well as trying to find an input language on this thing, and check @English@. It also won-t coincide with my keyboard. I just put quotation marks around the word English, yet it gave out asperands. It also gave me a hyphen instead of an apostrophe in won-t. Yet, when I pull up an empty page on my word processor, everything coincides correctly. And one time in March, when I found enough energy to write, I tried to put in photos from my phone and the entire entry was somehow erased. If I return and keep writing, I might just mosey my blog on over to WordPress.

I have avoided watching the news much. The recent local elections have been depressing enough. The upcoming general elections will be nerve/racking and probably tearful. I have had private discussions with people I thought would know better, but that prefer to believe tall stories that have no basis in fact. How, how can people believe some of the myths out there_ *no question mark, and now no correct paragraph mark( . 

To keep myself sane, I-ve been walking. I look around and take notice of the change in seasons, in how everything transforms as the year changes. The daylight of these months is majestic, and I try to soak it in, to keep some of the sunlight safe within for when the cruel dark winter approaches. 

So, this has been my check/in. Next time, you might see me on a different platform.

Life continues.


  1. Thank you for sharing. I have enjoyed your ongoing entries. Interesting the roads that are taken or we are put on. I cannot speak for my sister, however, I feel that a part of my heart and soul is in Galicia. Yet, I live in York, Maine, Inited States.

  2. p.s., this is your cousin who would love to return to the area for a visit.

  3. Eu teño Windows 8.1 e están todo o día a recordarmo de que non vou recibir actualizacións de Google Chrome.
    Eu pasei para Wordpress vai cumprir dous anos xa porque blogspot non me deixaba subir fotos.
    Tamén quería ter todo en galego pero é imposible.
    Polo menos non me tocou na mesa electoral (nunca estiven) e aparte tiña a excusa dunha viaxe programada antes da convocatoria de eleccións. Eu penso
    que tiñan que formar a mesa electoral con vontarios.


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