Carnival Fun
The rain has made a comeback today, at an inopportune moment. After last week's sun and moderate temperatures, many were hoping it would last until at least the beginning of this week. In many places there have already been celebrations for a month, but those celebrations culminate this week on Shrove Tuesday. Carnival is here. Carnival is ancient, and has roots that tap into pagan spring rituals of fertility. It celebrates a time when the old is destroyed to make room for the new. The habit of eating all the bu tchered meat from the previous fall, along with all the animal fats saved for cooking, is typically attributed to the onset of Lent and its dietary restrictions. But the original purpose of pi gging out around this time of year, lies in that , long before industrial cold was developed, it was meteoro logical cold that preserved the food. W ith the warming temperatures, the preservation came to nil, and the food would rot if left uneate n much longer . Another ritual wa