Exercise Democracy or Lose It
Tomorrow is the general election in Spain. It was brought about two years early because the Socialist government tried various times to get a budget agreed upon but failed. Ever since it took over after the no-confidence vote last summer against Mariano Rajoy's conservative Partido Popular government, it hasn't shown itself strong enough to enact legislation and govern. Every time they tweaked the budget, one of its partners would veto it, along with the opposition. Most of the laws passed these months were passed by royal decree, including raising the minimum wage to €900 a month, and extending paternal leave. So, general elections were called. This time around, beside the two major parties, the Socialists and the Populares, there are leftist Podemos and rightist Cuidadanos, which already showed up in the previous elections, and Vox, a newcomer. Vox has shown up like a white headed pimple on a face already scarred from past pimples. Franco would have been proud of its lea