The Hunter, Hunted

There is an association in Spain called Manos Limpias (Clean Hands), which considers itself a watchdog of corruption. Its website states the five pillars by which they act: the defense of the Constitution; the defense of the lawful State, of the transparency and dignity of public and institutional powers; the defense of the interest of workers of public administrations; denunciation of political and economic corruption; and causes of public and general interest. They are committed to denouncing any case of wrongdoing that affects the public interest. In fact, they are the only ones who initiated judicial action against the King's sister, Doña Cristina.

While it claims to have no ideological affiliation, however, it is considered a far-right association. Its director, Miguel Bernad Remón, was a close friend and collaborator of Blas Piñar, the founder of two extremist fascist political parties in the 80's and 90's (once with the help of Jean Marie Le Pen). The biggest case of the association was to take the judge, Baltazar Garzón, to court over the judge's investigation of war crimes during the Civil War. The association claimed that the "let's forget and forgive" amnesty law of 1977 impeded it and he was acting above the law by investigating. Most of the lawsuits instigated by the association have pursued left-of-center politicians and groups. 

There is another association, AUSBANC, Asociación de Usuarios de Servicios Bancarios. (Association of Users of Bank Services) It is a group of lawyers dedicated to defending bank clients from abuses. Its director is Luis Pineda Salido. He has a certain history of far-right violence. In 1980, when he was seventeen, he was arrested for breaking, entering, and robbery at gunpoint. On the first anniversary of the attempted coup of February 23rd, he was caught, along with some of his companions from a far-right organization, for throwing Molotov cocktails. He became friends with Miguel Bernad while he was active in fascist circle. Afterwards, he seemed to clean up his act, and became a lawyer. This association has successfully sued some banks for abusive practices. 

Well, these two guardians of the public integrity, have been arrested this past week for extorsion, blackmail, and misappropriation. It seems some of the lawsuits they brought against certain banks, persons, or companies, were the result of failed extorsion attempts. They would warn their victim that, unless it paid up a certain amount, one of the associations would proceed in a lawsuit against them. Claiming they were non-profit organizations, they would go to court according to who paid and who didn't. Selective defense of the public integrity.

So the Spanish people not only have generally corrupt politicians and greedy banks, we also have greedily corrupt associations that claim to defend us from the corrupt politicians and from the greedy bankers. Public life has become a vicious circle of kickbacks, extorsions, blackmail, and general thievery. No wonder the under-the-table economy thrives in Spain. The little people aren't about to be more honest than those who claim honesty is a virtue while hiding their fortunes or creating them illegally. 

Image result for greed and corruption



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