That's Not the Reason

I sat down to watch the live stream of the "Salute to America" the night of the Fourth. I don't know whether I made it to the point at which Trump mentioned how the American Continental Army took control of the airports during the War of 1812 (!) or not, but I quickly stopped wasting my time. This guy has no idea of what the Declaration of Independence, made so many years ago on this day, means.

He takes it to mean that it is what enabled America to become the greatest nation on earth. Or, more truthfully, a photo op for him, and a chance to rally his unconditionals around him and his lack of knowledge of the founding of this country.

The Declaration of Independence marked a before and after in systems of government. It based the government of a country on the arguments of philosophers such as John Locke. It is a product of the Age of Enlightenment, and as such is an ode to reason and individualism. With the incorporation of the philosophical ideas of Kant, Voltaire, Rousseau, and the earlier Locke, it was the first time a country was founded on the idea of people who came together to decide what was best for them without the mediation of a ruling class above them, or without a specific religious doctrine dictating morality into public life. The same ideas were later incorported into the French Revolution. Though it is tempting to argue that the American Revolution was the basis for the French one, it's not true; the ideas were there, and both revolutions drank from the same sources. 

Trump and his adherents should be careful. They should read the full text, if necessary, with the help of an English teacher to explain words and ideas to them. Certain complaints that were made against King George III and his governance of the colonies could just as easily apply to the Republican-run Executive Branch of the Unites States government these days. 

1."That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends" [that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness] "it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government..." Trump and his helpers have begun from the first day attempting against equal treatment for all. First, with the Muslim ban. Then, against consumer protection by calling under review laws like the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. He continued by stepping up round-ups of immigrants without papers and their deportations, no matter their circumstances. They rescinded Title IX in public education, which had guaranteed protections for transgender students, along with many others. They restricted Americans' travel to various different countries (all majorily Muslim) and limited the access of refugees from them. And many other rollbacks in civil and human rights that can be seen here.

2."He has refused his assent to laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good." Go to Google or DuckDuckGo or any other search engine. Type in, "Trump refuses to sign". A long list of entries will show up. "Trump refuses to sign spending bill without border funding." "Trump refuses to impose new Russia sanctions." "Trump refuses to sign anti-online extremism..." "Trump won't sign onto G-20 statement on climate change." "Trump rejects bipartisan Dreamers deal." "Trump says he won't sign GOP immigration bill that would stop separating families at border." You can find many ways he has blocked bills "necessary for the public good."

3."He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these states; for that purpose obstructing the laws for the naturalization of foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither..." Trump and his cabal are trying to change immigration laws so that only those people they like - the wealthy - can lawfully immigrate to the United States. A merit system that would allow only those with a sufficient income, wealth, or education entry. He wants to deport every single immigrant who arrived in this country in search of a better life without the requisite papers. Many of those he would deport have contributed greatly and have spent long lives here, some even serving in its armed forces. He doesn't want refugees of any kind, despite American history being a history of refugees. To this end, he has created a private concentration camp system that his friends profit from, and that are not unlike camps in parts of the world that are decried for their inhumanity. 

4."He has affected to render the military independent of and superior to the civil power." This "Salute to America" and the show of tanks and planes follow upon his previous failed intention of a military parade on Veteran's Day. Despite having avoided military service, he is an admirer of the military, and even called troops to the southern border, and ordered to fire upon civilians if they felt threatened. He uses the military as a crutch, extolling those military officers who are "loyal" to him, and deriding those who criticize him, such as the late John McCain. 

5."He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws..." We all know about his love for Russia and his relationship with Putin. But I doubt we know all the truth.

6."For cutting off our trade with all parts of the world." Tariffs. He has imposed tariffs on various different countries and blocs, and reimposed sanctions on Iran. He has thereby caused many companies, mostly the smaller ones, higher production costs which are passed on to the consumer. Farmers aren't being helped, either, they're being hurt because retaliative tariffs are being imposed on them, and they can't export what they used to.

7."He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us..." After the Charlottesville riots, he declared there were "...some very fine people on both sides." In effect, he was saying that the hate-mongering white supremacists were also right to do what they did. He has repeatedly attacked the press and journalists that he believes are "against" him. It's only a matter of time before a journalist is murdered because of his words. He repeatedly calls immigrants "gang members" and "criminals" and warns people of their "proclivities." Yet he is the grandson and son of immigrants. Were his grandfather, his mother, and two of his wives "gang members" or "criminals"? 

The Declaration goes on to say, "In every stage of these opressions, we have petitioned for redress in the most humble terms: our repeated petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people." 

I think it's time to revisit this document, and its true reason for being. It's time to revisit the real reason for the pride of the founding of the United States over two hundred years ago. It has nothing to do with military might, nor with the intellectual achievements of many of its citizens and residents over the years. It has to do with an Idea. The Idea that a free people should have just rulers decided upon by them, not outsiders. Put away the tanks, Trump, and go home.

Old, Transcript, Constitution, Vintage


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