Sun - Inspired

The end of March, the weather is still supposed to be rainy and cool. Buds are supposed to be appearing, but the leaves should still be about a week away. Early trees should begin to bloom, and roses should be putting out new leaves. This year, it's been a warmer than usual winter, and spring is appearing earlier than usual, as well. 

Of course, it's the type of change winter-weary minds welcome. Early spring, with warmer temperatures, sunny days, and greening trees is always welcome. My favorite time of year is now, from late March to the end of July. The longer days, the warming temperatures, and the restful greenery are like a balm to my soul. After the beginning of August, the sun starts to wane, leaves begin to fall from trees, stripped by winds and the occasional summer storm, and the charm fades. The only thing I don't like about summer is the days when the thermometer rises well above 30ºC (mid-80º'sF). Those days I am become a weather zombie, reacting to outside stimuli, but absent inside, a mere shell that needs to survive. 

These mornings, I notice with glee the earlier sun. This morning was particularly warm, but even those past mornings, when I had to wear a jacket on my walk, and the cold morning wind nipped my nose and my fingers, it was joy to be outside. Blue violets and creamy wild daffodils pepper some fields where the tractor hasn't worked in years. The smell of cut grass sometimes awakes memories, and the stripes of light and shadow on the fields make me wish I could paint them in a glorious riot of color. Sometimes I pass someone going to hoe to prepare for young seedlings in the coming weeks, or driving a tractorette (smaller than a tractor, and the motor can be used as a hand plow with the appropriate attachments).

Spring is a time of joy, of awaiting good days, and of appreciating the good in one's life. While the rest of the year the good still exists, it's not as easy to call it up. Warm sun and a feeling of seasonal hope helps very much.   



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