Misdirected Anger

Manners are manners. You do not punch someone in the face simply because you disagree with him. Things are not done that way. It merely shows the puncher to be a person with low self-control and not enough intelligence to battle the opponent in a logical, civilized fashion. Violence will not convince someone of the error of their ways. That said, however, many people applauded the teenager last night who punched Prime Minister Rajoy in an evening electoral walk through Pontevedra.

Have people lost their sanity? No, people are angry. People are angry with all the cutbacks during these past four years. They are angry with the changes in labor laws that have left them with practically slave-wage jobs with which they cannot feed their families. With changes in the education laws that only serve to further lower the educational level of our children and make it more difficult for working class students to access higher education. With changes in the universal health laws that obliges most penisoners to pay for medication they need but can't afford, with fewer doctors and longer waiting lists. With lower pensions; because even if the monthly pension goes up .1 percent, the cost of living goes up more, and too many pensioners have to support their unemployed children and grandchildren. With bailouts of banks that then go on to foreclose on the homes of people who cannot come to a deal on their mortgages, and yet still have to repay them to the bank that took their house away because of archaic foreclosure laws that won't be changed. With politicians who use their elected offices as a means to scrape off percentages from companies who want to be awarded public works, and then claim they are honest politicians and are the country's only salvation. With all the hypocrisy and corruption in a system that needs to change. 

So, no, the punch was not nice. It's not acceptable behavior. But very understandable.

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