Oh, Please, Wait for Winter

Changeable weather will often bring colds. One day it's beautiful, short sleeves and shorts the only way to dress. The next day, I dress the same, thinking the good weather has come to stay. Until wherever I'm going is misty and cool. And I've forgotten to bring an auxiliary sweater. Then, on the next summery day, my throat and nose decide to punish me.

Winter invites warm soup, hot drinks, hearty stews. Which is good, because doesn't the saying go, "starve a fever, feed a cold"? And when you have a runny nose and a scratchy throat something warm sounds delicious. But in summer other things beckon.

I'm thirsty. A cool beer would be good now. Wait, the thought of drinking one with this throat feels as attractive as swallowing sandpaper.

Perhaps ice cream would make a nice desert. Wait, the thought of anything that cold makes me shiver and reach for a tissue. 

That watermelon looks good. Anybody know of a recipe for warm watermelon pie? If there's warm apple pie...

How about some vichyssoise for lunch? Only if I can warm it up on the hob.

So, how about some hot chicken noodle soup? In this heat? 

I think I'll just stop eating a couple of days until this annoyance goes away.

Resultado de imaxes para summer colds


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