Falling Back, 19. The Chief Liar in Quarantine.

Karma has a way of coming home to roost. After Donald Trump was labelled as the greatest source of Covid-19 misinformation, this morning he tested positive for the virus. 

Of course, this being the President with the most lies under his belt, there could be one of three situations going on. 

1. That he's really bad, and that an ICU has been set up in the White House. That would be because his tweet saying that he and Melania had the virus mentioned it by its real name, Covid-19. He didn't mention the China virus, or any other such name he's used to disparage it. Might he have tweeted the tweet? Or was it an aide?

2. That it's all a lie to make him look like a victim, and have people sympathize with him. Also, to get him definitely out of any other possible debate with Joe Biden. No one would put it past him to play the victim card.

3. That it's real, he's been isolated, and that he might get through this like through a bad cold. 

There are various strikes against number three. First, his age, second, his obesity, and third, his unknown medical issues, which might be quite a few. He is not fit as a fiddle, as his doctor told everyone. He has made some unanounced visits to Walter Reed Hospital which would make many think that he had suffered some sudden serious illness of some sort. 

Whatever works out, anyone who thinks he will make an about-face and see about helping all those affected by Covid, also believes in the tooth fairy. The only person Donald Trump is concerned about, is Donald Trump. He may not want Melania to die, only because that way he would lose his flower that he flaunts next to him, and he would have to look for another one. That, of course, is assuming that scenario number two isn't true.

I don't like the prospect of his dying, because enough people in the world have died from this devil virus. I don't wish death on anyone, ever, not even him. Also, that would mean he wouldn't face the prospect of going to jail when he's pried from office. That he suffer enough to put a crimp in his style would be sufficient.

What this does show (if number two isn't what's going on), is that no one is safe. Especially when one doesn't follow health recommendations. And Donald Trump has always let everyone know that he's above wearing a mask, because it would make him look "ridiculous." He is definitely an example not to follow. There is nothing exemplary in anything he does. May he recover, be thrown out in November, and into jail in January.

Life continues.

Quarantine, Virus, Coronavirus, Epidemic


  1. Now that you says, I think this is a election lie to gain voters being a victim.

    1. Since with this president, no one ever knows what is true or not, it's a large possibility.

  2. With his joyride doesn't look like he's learned anything. Waking up each morning to something else disgusting makes me want to hide under the bed.


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