Falling Back, 22 & 23. Falling Back into the Groove.

I completely forgot to write yesterday. It was a regular Monday in October. In the morning, I worked on my story. I'm starting to reach the end, and my ideas are shifting. (Already, when I go back to edit, I have to rewrite the beginning.) In the afternoon I had the full complement of classes. 

Classes are pretty much normal, except for the hand sanitizer in the hall, the masks, the alcohol I spray everywhere in the study, and the air purifier. No one has complained except one mother, who didn't like that her kids shared the study with others, given the times we're living in. But it's either that, or I don't give classes, or I give classes until close to midnight, to keep each kid alone in his own hour. I do what I can to limit contagion. Beyond that, there's little I can do except close the door. 

In our township the number of infected seems to be going down. From 27, we've gone to 20. But in the next door township of Boiro, they've gone from 26 to 33. It's still time to be extra careful. Not like a woman who was in a supermarket today. She cut into the line at the fish section, asking to cut in because she had left her mask at the table on the terrace where she had been taking coffee with a friend, and had to go back to get it. Lady, you forgot your mask, you head right back and pick it up before doing anything else, much less walking into a supermarket to put in an order for fish.

Again, I've gone shopping to stock up on things that we've been using a bit. Milk, water, meat, olive oil, cat food, cat food. A little more cat food. Just in case a student who comes in tests postive, or a fellow worker of my daughter or husband does so, and we have to quarantine. I realize I have to buy more cat food. I tried putting my cats on a diet, and they looked at me like they would look at their lunch.

Speaking of contagion, most of the White House seems to be infected. But then, no measures were ever implemented to try to prevent that, it seems. So, the executive branch of the government is now mostly in quarantine, headed by a president that has trouble breathing, but decided he's better off at the White House than in the hospital. And who also says that Covid is nothing to be afraid of. Some of the over 200,000 who died also thought that way. Now, they aren't here to contradict him.

Will our world ever be sane again? Sometimes, I doubt it. Other times, I realize we were always teetering on the brink, and we've simply stepped into the nothing of stupidity and selfishness.

Life continues.

Week, Day, Monday, Wallpaper, Background


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