The Dystopian Times, 2. Touching Upon Politics in Facebook.

It doesn't matter where you are, politics will always bring out an argument. In this, our year of angst, 2020, it creates enemies as embittered as Leonidas and Xerxes, Napoleon and Admiral Nelson, Caesar and Vercingetorix, or Elmer Fudd and Bugs Bunny. Mention Trump, or Biden, or Pence, or Obama (or, heaven forbid, Clinton), and you have a rabid believer (of either side) pulling aside his mask (assuming he's wearing one) and spewing in your face, calling you either a fascist or a communist.

For the record, I lean left. Farther left than merely left of center, but I don't reach the outer edges. On Facebook most of my befriended people have similar views to mine. A few, are on the opposite extreme. One of those is a person I follow for other reasons. From time to time, they publish posts declaring their admiration for Trump. Those posts attract comments from here to tomorrow. Some agree with her, others, like me, disagree. Most are respectful, a few are borderline rude with either side. 

I have seen some comments that make me scratch my head, like that Trump deals with, "Satan and evil forces unleashed on Christians and Americans' freedoms." Hmm. Fantasy novels, much? Someone also mentioned that he gave "freedom of choice in the face of the China virus," unlike Democrats, who "take away our freedoms." No wonder infections are through the roof. 

Above all, I see resolve that the United States not become a "socialist" country, and that that's where the Democrats will take us. Others mention that the Biden/Harris ticket will land us in "communism." Yoohoo! Does anybody even know what Communism or Socialism is? And don't just say, "Russia." Russia is ruled by neither. 

Communism is based on Marxism and is the political and economical system that was followed by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and is still followed by North Korea, Cuba, Laos, Vietnam, and partially by China. In it, every means of production is owned by the State, as is all property. The only property in private hands are personal possessions. It is led by an authoritarian state which decides where people shall live and work. The State decides which production is important for the nation as a whole, without regard to its people's needs other than providing them with the mere basics. In my opinion, communism, which tries to "do away with the state" by declaring the people the state, can never work on a national scale. It could work, but on the scale of a hamlet with two or three houses, nothing more. On a national level it is merely authoritarianism without any freedom of any kind.

Socialism, on the other hand, is a name for several different variations of both political and economical systems, all attempting to promote equality of opportunity. The socialism that has been in place in many European countries is Democratic Socialism, and, politically, power rests with a democratically chosen government. Means of production can either be private, a mix of private and public, or public, though most countries have leaned toward the mixture. Property can be public or private, but high incomes are taxed more heavily to avoid concentration of wealth among a few. Some countries control important services, such as electricity or water. Others allow private investment in those areas. Education can be either public or private, but the public is heavily subsidized so most people can receive a higher education. Countries with this type of government include the Scandinavian countries, and most others in Western Europe, to one extent or another. 

I just can't understand how some right wing voters in the United States accuse Democrats of being "socialist" or "communist" without knowing anything about either system, just memories of the Soviet Union and little else. And people on the left tend to start in with "fascist" labels, too. Yes, Trump and his troop are skirting close to Fascism, but they aren't there yet. They're not interested in that, they're interested in setting up a kleptocracy. 

Really, I don't know why I'm surprised at some people. Everyone has a degree in hearsay, but actually digging up facts, crosschecking sites, and coming to a rational conclusion is much more difficult. Besides, truth is boring. Fantasy is so much more exciting.

Life continues.



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