Chronicles of the Virus Day 24

We are into Holy Week, the spring break, spring holiday, whatever. This year, it doesn't really matter. We've been on break for a month. And we'll stay on break for the rest of April. 

Normally, I don't give classes during this week. But, I gave one video class yesterday, and I'll give two others that asked for it tomorrow and the day after. These are not normal times. 

When will we have normal? Probably within a year's time, when there is finally a vaccine. Until then, we'll probably have waves of normality and of confinement. This coming winter life will probably be put on hold more than once. 

I do notice that I'm eating slightly more than usual. It started by trying to eat a plate of strawberries or bananas at least once a day. Then, I bought some doughnuts at a good price. Then, I bought some store-made croissants. I also made pancakes back during the second week. Now, my pants are a bit tighter. But I'm not baking because my oven hasn't worked in ages. I need to replace it, and the burners, too, because they're connected. Since it's a big expense, I kept putting it off. Now, the lack of oven removes a temptation. 

Our television is playing tricks on us every day, now. The other day I mentioned that it was turned on and it asked us to tune it. I did so, and now we have more channels. But now, it's asking us to tune it every morning. I have no idea what's wrong with it, or what button we erroneously pressed. Every morning now, I have to tune it and then put the channels in our preferred order. Ay, technology!

I have some sniffles and a bit more phlegm than usual these days. It's a group of symptoms I have often, especially in spring, and it is, most probably, allergies. I take an antihistamine, but when there are high concentrations of pollen, I still notice small symptoms. But I keep thinking, might I have caught the infernal virus? A friend of my daughter's, whom she hasn't seen in ages, is at the tail end of Covid-19, along with her sister and her mother. They wrote off their symptoms as simply a common cold, until one of them decided to get tested. She was positive. The others were then tested, and they were positive. They were in the large group of people who will only have light symptoms. I also wonder about the headache I had three days in a row when all this started, around March 14th. Every little ache gets magnified with thinking. These are paranoid times.

People's humor is still working, though some are having a hard time coming up with more and more ingenious takes on life in confinement. That's normal; it's been three weeks (that's all?) and ingenuity becomes harder to come by. This video begins with people who complain they will be fat at the end of confinement, goes through how they try (!) to prevent that, passes through dreams of bars and draught beer, and ends with the Rotterdam Philharmonic giving an impromptu concert from home. On that "joyous" note, it ends nicely.

Life continues.



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